Cameroon Flag Endorsements
Cameroon Certificate Verification
Maritime Cook Islands Certificate of Competency (CoC) is recognised by Cameroon Flag Endorsements.
Requirements for a Flag State Endorsement by the Cameroon Flag Endorsements in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers, (STCW) 1978 as amended.
- Seafarer Certification Application Form
- Photo
- Passport
- Medical Certificate
- Certificate of Certificate of Competency(CoC)
- Verification of CoC
- Seaman Book
- Ship Security Officer / STSDSD
- Proficiency in survival craft and Rescue Boats other than fast Rescue Boats
- Fast Rescue Boat
- Advance training in fire fighting
- Medical first aid
- Medical Care (Only for Management Level)